Aries Page 3
Her slick gaze ran down my body, lingering at my stomach. I curled my shoulders, drawing myself away. "And seeing as though you've stuck your nose where it doesn't belong, I think we'll keep you too."
A piercing sound shattered the air. Not a cry, something else. The sonic boom cleaved my mind. Dull sounds fought for space, echoing like an empty drum.
A pine tree wavered in front of us. Cracks split the trunk down the middle. Earthquake. I slapped my hands over my ears and dropped to the ground.
Something moved. Something big, stealing my sun. The earth shuddered as the tree hit the ground. I drove my palms against my ears and pressed my face into the dirt. Pine needles prodded my lips and my eyes. A cry ripped from my throat leaving me raw. Darkness closed in, stealing the color from my world…leaving me with nothing but darkness.
Something brushed the back of my hand. I wrenched open my eyes and lifted my gaze.
The mountain's brow narrowed, lips parted. Panic flared from his eyes, spewing like a volcano. His long legs buckled as he crouched. Even kneeling he towered over me. His lips moved with muted words, soft words. Words I couldn't understand.
He wrenched his head up, brown eyes darkened. His top lip curled as he spoke, exposing teeth and for a second I tried to see the shifter in him—and failed.
Thick, booming sounds were all I could hear, until I realized, I didn't need sound at all. He wasn't just pissed—he was protecting…me.
The others moved in like a summer's squall, casting long shadows across the dirt. Someone gripped my arm and yanked, wrenching me from the ground.
A smear of crimson on the inside of my palm glared like a neon sign, but then it was gone, buried under the manic movements of those around us.
Nick raced for the bitch as she stumbled toward that black hooded monster. She shook her head and raised her hand, pointing her finger to me. "Get her, bring her to the demon!"
Muffled sounds sharpened. My hearing came back with a rush. Panic filled the space, driving my pulse faster…faster.
Nick turned to the wolf at my arm. "Bring her here."
"I told you before," the mountain warned and shouldered his way between us. "She stays."
I hit his shoulder hard, stumbled and grasped his arm to stop my fall.
Energy gnawed my hand with a ravenous hunger, spreading along my arm. My chest tightened. His power raced. Corded muscles rippled under my touch. I clenched tighter, clinging while the wolf wrenched on my arm.
"Step aside, Dragon." The silver eyes of the wolf blazed.
The mountain shook his head, as the black thing mimicked that bestial sound.
"Come to me and I'll let you live. That's what you want, isn't it? A chance to survive, to raise that freak inside of you? You think you're fooling anyone? I see the way you hold your stomach. You already feel it growing, attaching itself to your heart as well as your body, and you'll do anything to survive…won't you?"
Her sneer was cruel, tearing at the deepest part of me. I shook my head as the sight of her blurred. Don't cry. Don't cry, damn you!
"If you don't come now, I'll let Nick do what he wants. You think he brought you to us because he cared?"
No. No. No. I shook my head. Don't listen…don't you dare…
"He brought you to the camp so I could kill you, or to let him kill you. Either way you and that runt inside you would be gone. So, make it easy on yourself. Come to me and I won't let them hurt you."
Her fingers curled, waiting, just as the Dragon's had. There was nothing kind in her eyes. The wolf yanked my arm, slamming me face first into the mountain's shoulder and growled. "Let the bitch go."
The demon threw its head backwards. The black cowl slipped, revealing a skinless face. Long discolored teeth stabbed into bone. Its nose was a gaping hole separated at the bottom by a thin ridge of bone. But it was its eyes that impaled me. Sunken dark craters held glassy obsidian orbs…
"We need to go now!" The bitch turned from the demon and screamed.
Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
"She's not going anywhere," the Dragon warned. "You came here for blood, but it was your own that was spilled. Leave her, or I will spill a lot more before we're through."
My heart thundered, drowning out what little I heard. I jerked my arm from the wolf's grasp, thrashing until my elbow popped and the muscles in my shoulder screamed. "Let me go!"
"Bring her to me!" howled the Demon.
"Now," the Dragon snarled. "Come to me now!"
The wolf flinched, and glanced to his left and then his right. "Who are you talking to?"
The air sparked and hissed. A sharp scent of ozone filled my nose. Underneath the bitter tang was a heady musk like wool…fresh, warm wool. That black monster turned, stumbled. The dark hooded cloak slapped against the beast’s skeletal frame as it lunged. I needed more time, just a minute, just a second.
The mountain roared. His body changed, stretching taller, wider. Muscles rippled under my palm. Something sharp shoved though, piercing my palm. I whimpered and yanked my hand away. Night cloaked us. I shot my gaze to the sky. The demon reared, swallowing the trees, growing until there was nothing but an absence of light—an absence of everything good in this world.
I stumbled backwards and held out my hand. Blood dripped from my palm, but the pain no longer mattered…nothing mattered. The Dragon roared and spun. His head was misshapen, forehead thickened and protruding. There was something on each side, some kind of horn.
"He's coming," his words were guttural and strange. The Dragon held out his hand. Some of his fingers were fused, claws curved over the ends. "Take my hand."
Long fingers beckoned, just as he'd done minutes before.
I should've taken his hand then.
I jerked my gaze to the consuming darkness.
The Dragon was fading into that shadow, disappearing before my eyes.
And I wanted to take his hand now.
I stared until the ache inside my chest drove my gaze higher. I wouldn't let them see me cry. I wouldn't let them see me as weak. They all wanted me that way…
"No," I shook my head as the darkness closed around me. "I'm stronger than you think."
The demon world was a living, breathing, sickening thing. Faint glimpses of light were soon swallowed by the darkness. This was a thick darkness, a waiting darkness that ravaged with razored teeth and then spat me from its hold.
For a second I saw pale blue sky. For a second I smelled the crisp scent of pine.
And somewhere in the distance Xael cried my name.
Home. I was home…and the human woman was gone…
The Wretched rushed to the surface. I couldn't control him—and I didn't want to fight him. "Demon." His boom burned my throat. I licked my lips. I could almost taste his blood. "Bring her to me…"
The demon's eyes glinted. Cold, slimy words slipped over my skin as it hissed. "It's too late. She's gone."
Acid welled in my gut and then pushed to the surface. I tasted my own hate…I swallowed my own fear. My hands itched for a hold. I'd tear him apart just to be with her…just to know she was safe.
"I'll kill you." The Wretched's words cut like glass. "Unless you take me to her."
The starless black sky closed around me. A heartbeat, that was all I had. One tiny second in forever before the dark blanket descended and swallowed me whole.
I opened my mouth as fire lashed my lungs. The vise around my chest tightened, squeezing until stars danced in my eyes. My stomach trembled, shuddered, until with a rush the pressure let go.
The sudden rush of air was like ice in my veins. A cruel sting followed spreading through my body and settling in my chest. A moan slipped free, sad and tormented. I realized the strange sound came from me. My chest expanded, drawing the icy air deep.
The bitter sting cleared my mind, enough for a memory to slip through.
I'm stronger than you think…
Her small voice fi
lled me. I fumbled, sweeping my hand through the dark, searching for the warmth of her skin. "Joslyn. Where are you? Say something…" The cold cut me to the bone—or was it this endless silence? "Joslyn…"
"She's not here," a heartless snarl severed the night.
I raised my gaze to the blonde bitch from the mountain as she snickered. "But you're welcome to look around if you like. I think you'll find this place…entertaining."
The hairs on my arms rose. My bones shuddered, clattering together like thin sticks. I turned to scan the hulking black buildings. My Dragon gave a snarl and sank into the depths of my soul, taking the warmth of his fire with him.
You abandoning me now?
Selfish piece of shit.
Hulking shadows sharpened to buildings the more I blinked. They were old, some toppled, others stood straight. I stared at the closest, catching a faint orange glow of a fire through the broken window.
There was something about that glow. Something that made the tender part of me cringe.
I strode forward as footsteps echoed behind me. She wanted me to see what lingered in the corners of this damned world, so I would see what she wanted me to see. I would feel whatever the fuck she wanted me to feel.
For however long it took.
I wanted one thing, and one thing alone. My boots scuffed stone. I straightened and then turned. "Where is she?"
The faint chuckle was a slap to my face, her sadistic sneer bled into her voice. "Don't tell me the little whey-faced slut has grown on you?"
My top lip curled. I took a step in the dark. I tried to keep the hate inside, but the shit leaked into every word. "Tell me, and maybe I'll let you live."
Her stony voice echoed. "Aren't you the gentleman? See, you've put me in a very tight position, Dragon. The others are angry, very angry indeed. This whole thing wasn't meant to happen…it wasn't…written in the winds."
The dark rose within me, tendrils seeped into my words. "And what winds are those?"
"You know what winds," she hissed. "The Bull changed my course when he aligned himself with the wolf. Why? Why would he do that?"
It took me a second to understand. She couldn't see the Shaman. She couldn't see the meddlings of the old woman at all.
Hope bloomed with a breath.
The vision we shared was more than just a glimpse of the future. It'd been a point of change, an opportunity to turn down a new path…a path that had led me here.
And now I'd changed everything again. Sinister thoughts crowded my mind. If the bitch hadn't planned on me being here…then where did that leave Joslyn?
I tried to swallow. Tried to keep fear from mind and turned to this demented witch. She could still send me back, and leave Joslyn here alone.
My Dragon rose to the challenge. For the first time in this lonely existence, I was fucking glad. "I'll come for her, you know. Time and time again. I'll never stop, never give you a moment to think, not one fucking moment. She belongs with me…"
I could see the corrupted piece of filth clearly now. Her green eyes were alight with hate. White teeth illuminating in the dark. "You don't even know her!"
She was right. I didn't know Joslyn. But it didn't matter—I knew what would happen if I wasn't here. The rush of air filled my mind. The Wretched hovered at the edges, waiting, watching, ready to lower that thick head of his and bring me to my knees once and for all.
She would die. I knew it. My Dragon knew it.
That was one thing we wouldn't allow.
"You like her. This mortal whore…you…have a thing for her."
I dragged in the scent of hate and horror until it filled every space and took a step. I clenched my fists. I'd wrap my hands around her throat, and squeeze until there were no filthy words left.
"What to do? Leaving you here to watch could be almost as fun as sending you back."
My right boot skimmed the ground. My thoughts froze. My pulse skipped. Send me back? Acid rose in the back of my throat. I swallowed…and swallowed. I couldn't let that happen…I couldn't…
"Take him."
The command was a bark in the dead of night. Her teeth shone, exposing more of the glinting white as she smiled. Out of the emptiness two towering demons came. Black cloaks flailed in the wind.
"No…" I shook my head and backed away. "I'm not going back without her."
White teeth…white glowing fucking teeth. I wanted to shatter that smile. I wanted to ram the enamel shards down her damn throat.
I stumbled as hulking shadows came for me. They moved without a sound, leaving malice to stain the air.
An image came to life inside my head. Joslyn crying…screaming…Her tear-stained face was filthy, red eyes were bloodshot. Her scream was savage. You left me!
I shook my head. No. I'd never…
You didn't fight for me…why Dragon? Why didn't you fight for me?
"Come Dragon," the blonde bitch whispered and stepped behind the hooded monsters. "Come out and fight. Let's make this game a little more interesting."
The demons spread out to flank me on both sides. I raised my hand and clenched my fists. Steel sparkled with a dull glow. One demon dragged his hand from his robe and drew the demon blade free.
A tremble ripped through me. I wrenched my gaze to the empty face behind the midnight cowl. Two on one, and with a blade. I'd never survive.
If you're in there, Wretched. Then right now's a good time to appear.
Silence. Silence. I couldn't see him, couldn't feel him.
He's left me…he's really left me.
The snap of a bone in my spine followed, something deep, something vital. Pain savaged, tearing me apart, ripping a line through the center of me. My right knee buckled. I ground my jaw and tried to hold on, but the thunderous roar of hooves in my head drowned out everything.
Thick, matted white wool glowed inside my head. The Wretched lunged, driving those split hooves into the echo of my memories, and hit me at full speed.
I spun with the brunt. I was lifted, hurtled, and smashed back to the ground even though I'd not moved an inch.
The sudden crunch of bone in my chest stole my breath.
Stole everything.
I stumbled to the side. My boots missed the mark…darkness smothered me like a shroud.
But this darkness had a face. A cruel, skeletal face as the demon reached for me. "You’re going to be a good soldier, aren't you?" The warped inhuman sound filled the air.
Something brushed my mind…something cold, something hungry…ravenous.
I shuddered.
The Wretched recoiled in fear and pulled away.
No. Don't leave me…He slipped from my hold.
The demon hissed. The sound was a thousand ants crawling over my skin. They found a way inside my ears. I slapped the side of my head. I couldn't care about that now. I couldn't do anything but face the monster I'd avoided my entire fucking life. Slap. You turn your back on me now, Dragon, and you're as good as dead.
Slap. Sting. Still they punctured.
A blast of air filled my ears. The Wretched snorted, filling my head with blazing hate-filled eyes.
If you leave me, she will die—do you get that?
His roar filled me, shattered something deep inside.
And somewhere in the darkness the demon chuckled and stepped closer. The blade shone as it carved the night. The thunder of hooves came to life, echoing like the boom inside my chest.
I opened myself, ready to take whatever punishment he'd give—and ready to exact some of my own, while inside my head those ants rummaged…and rummaged, and dug…and dug.
Agony carved my shoulder. The burning pain stabbed and hacked, severing bones and tendons. The glint of steel wrenched my gaze upwards. My wings tore free as the demon swung the steel high.
The thrum of power hummed through my veins. My body morphed, bones shattered and refused. The slap of cold eased as fine, pale wool covered my arms, bones fused in my hand and hardened to hooves.
Ants scra
tched and clawed through my mind finding a way inside.
"You going to be a good soldier?" The dark thing whispered and stepped closer.
The blade glinted in the night.
"You going to scream for me, Dragon? You going to beg?"
I shook my head and stared at the empty face. Wings settled against my back as the Wretched filled my bones. His power filled me, right down to the center of my marrow. His skin was my skin—I breathed deep—his lungs moved amongst my own, and it was his deep, commanding voice that answered. "I don't fucking think so."
Excitement hummed in the air. The hood shifted. White bone shone, dark eyes held me. The demon's jaw parted, and a chuckle slipped free. It took a step and raised its hand, fingers extended.
Something touched my mind, and those ants came alive, finding a way into the deepest parts of me.
You going to be a good soldier, Dragon? You going to scream for me?
I lunged backwards, heels kicked the ground as I scurried like a damn rodent. But it made no difference. There was nowhere to go, nowhere I could get away from…
The blast inside my head brought me to my knees. Something carved, hacked my mind. My Dragon screamed and howled, desperate to drive these demons back into Hell but there was no fight in this moment.
There was nothing but pain.
A scream burned in my belly and ripped free, low, blinding, stealing my thoughts. I shuddered and shook, opening the door wider for the Wretched. Please. Help me.
His claws raked my soul, fire lashed, stinging the insides of me while he fought to surface.
The demon's words settled deep. "That's it, Dragon. Fight…fight…"
But those ants…those fucking ants, digging, clawing, carving a trail through my head. I couldn't get to him. Couldn't feel his power thrum through my veins. I slapped my hands against my temples as they burrowed and burrowed. "Stop…please, stop. No more."
Demented laugher filled the air. They weren't ants that carved their way into my head. I shuddered under the strain and lifted my head, meeting those bottomless eyes…it was them.
You going to be a good soldier, Dragon? You going to scream for me?